What always speaks the truth, but doesn't say a word?
→ ɹoɹɹıɯ

don't go NEAR me.

don't go NEAR me.




Thursday, May 27, 2010

the Psychology of DOTA -Just check what kind of DotA player you are!

• The Wannabe Hero •

He will probably not help you in a gank unless he's 100% sure
he'll get a kill and make himself look good.
Wait til late game and let him carry the team.
You play to win, you play to look good infront of everyone.

•The Rambo•

these guys who will rush into a fray of 5 enemy heroes and die
and then start spamming words
to the effect of
(Rambo has left the game).

Strategy: Let him feed!

•The Newbie•

A newb and a noob are too different things.
A newb is a new player who will contribute to the team and follow orders
and generally ask question which will make him a better player.

A noob is someone who has played for over a year
still get owned by everyone and spams in chat and ragequits after dying.
Newbies should be treated with care and caressed...
Maybe not caressed but you should all help these people out and give them pointers.

Strategy: Tell him that to win the game all you have to do is reach the enemy fountain[lols]

•The Silent Veteran•

Why don't they speak much? Because they're so good that they're used to owning .
Even after getting Beyond Godlike they still won't gloat or show off the fact.

•The Leader•

Usually a player will start pinging ganks and typing "b" or "push" into team chat.

Generally have a good strategic look on things.
Leaders are vital to victory during a game.

•The Never-Say-Die

gotta love these guys.
The exact opposite of the Quitter,
these people will stay til the very bitter end and will often be seen defending the lone
Throne all by himself against 5 enemy heroes.
Give these people a compliment since they're a dying species.

•The 12-Year Old•

Yep, these kids have just hit puberty and have raging hormones.

During pre-game chat they'll be saying all the stupid goofy stuff.
The good thing about kids is they're easy to own

due to their slower brains and bad judgement.

•The Elitist•

Elitists are everywhere and there's little you can do about them except get into name-calling competitions.

•The Coward•

See trouble. Run to fountain.
These guys are as useful to your team as a chair is to a whale.

•The Casual Player•

In the pre-game chat these people will be like:
"Hi, how are you guys?"
and usually be ignored.
In real life they are a father of three
and has just gotten home from his day job to play Dota.

•The Partially AFK•

While you're working your butt off trying to secure victory for your team,

these guys are munching on chips and cutting their nails
glancing at the screen every so often.

•The Know-nothing Know-it-all•

"STFU NOOB. I know what I'm doing.
Dagon on Juggernaught is the way to go."

• The Unaware•

So you just got ganked by 2 enemy heroes
while your ally is beside you creeping.
They still don't know what happened.
These players will frustrate you to no end.

Their slow reflexes mixed with their lack of sight makes them a major liability.

•The Backdoor Bandit•

these guys are sneaky as hell.
They'll wait for everyone on the enemy team to pick heroes before they pick
so that they can choose a hero that counters all of them.

While you guys are ganking, he'll sneak up on your towers
and rax and own them with no resistance.

•The Team Member•

They will be the first to get wards, help in ganks, get gems, follow instructions and the like.

•The Pitbull•

If you ever end up in prison and sharing a cell with these guys
then be prepared to have a new boyfriend.

•The Over-Achiever•

Usually these guys will fight an enemy until the enemy is down to 20 HP,
at that point the enemy will start running back to fountain
Overachievers will pursue them and put everything on the line in order to catch their target.

These are the guys who will run into the enemy fountain for that last hit

and subsequently get totally ripped up.

Their scores will usually be along the lines of 12-12 since for every kill
they make they will also get killed.

•The Assassin•

If you are against these types of guys, RUN.
These guys are gank leaders and some also fall into the Pitbull category.
They have a strategic outlook on everything and use all their cunning and wisdom to demolish the enemy team because they know what works and what doesn't.

•The Mystic •

These are the guys that will look for an illusion rune,
pick it and fool you into thinking
that the illusion is them
and unload all your beautiful spells on the illusion.
After that, theyll most likely come with a companion but sometimes prefer to come alone.

•The Retard•

I beat you fair and square, but 4 MKB recipes dont do shit''
''whatever'' After that, theyll continue getting raped with you
likely not even using everything youve got and not going below 2/3 your HP.
These people usually arent very skilled at understanding things,
have no skills, judgement,
anticipation and no you-name-it at all.

•The Consumer•

Just when you think you're about to kill one of them
suddenly they activate their empty bottle twice in a row, turn around, chew on a tango
then proceed to beat your ass into the ground.
And then their chicken will come along and Dagon you.

•The Jackass•

Obviously these guys don't play Dota to win.
No no, they play Dota to be totally ridiculous.

ever chased someone who keeps running back and forth towards you and back
in such an unpredictable
but dangerous manner that you can't hit them?
Well it's called juking and these guys would risk juking themselves to death

•The Pub Pro•

A very rare breed, simply because they are one of the few that
first started playing dota an eternity ago.

These guys are so experienced,

they kick your ass whenever, wherever, with any hero (even KOTL)...

But only if they feel like it.
One of the defining characteristics of the Pub Pro is LAZINESS.

credits to the original perx about this psy-of-dota.

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